Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"Hey baby it’s cold outside" just like the song says.

It was just warm enough today to start melting the snow that has built up on the cedar tree branches. The drops fell steadily on the pond’s surface and everything is damp. It’s the kind of cold that takes several hours to shake no matter how many blankets you use once you get indoors. It was perfect duck weather though and that meant it was perfect duck hunting weather for eagles.

When I arrived there was a group of seven or eight Common Goldeneye ducks swimming nervously back and forth across the pond. I think they caught me trying to get into my blind and were uncomfortable about my presence. They did not take to the air right away though because they were far more uncomfortable about the two eagles who were in the area.

The eagles were clearly not looking for fish today. Appearing quickly from over the tree tops both the immature and mature eagle seemed to be hoping to surprise any unwary ducks that might be about. When they found no potential targets they only stayed long enough to make one or two circles around the pond before disappearing in the direction of another pond that is not to far away.

The only other birds I saw today was a lone Chickadee, one pair of Mallards and what I think was a Merganser who looked like he was going to land three different times but just couldn’t bring himself to do so.

Part of my problem with seeing things today was that my great summer blind isn’t a very good winter blind. This means I got to spend most of the morning looking for a new spot to shoot from. I did manage to find a couple of potential locations but only time will tell if they'll work.
Even though it’s cold it’s still great to get outside whenever you get the chance. Stress test your winter wear, go out and play in the snow! Unless you live where its warm then I suppose you’ll just have to suffer with the heat (sorry but I can't feel sorry for you if that's your

Have a great day!


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