Friday, May 23, 2008

Something just seems special about the morning light in the springtime. The sunlight almost seems to glow as it filters through the budding tree leaves. Shadows seem softer and it makes you feel as though the temperature outside is just perfect no matter what it actually is.

There really weren’t any prolonged interactions between any of the animals that were at the pond today nor were there any amazing new plant discoveries. There were however a few brief moments of excitement.

Not much went on until about ten a.m. when a lone Wood Duck Drake showed up. He weaved his way around the edge of the pond occasionally diving, drinking and stretching as he went. Not long after he landed a pair of Mallards who had been hiding around the corner from where I was came out to investigate the new arrival but paid him little notice after that.

The three of them swam along the far shore enjoying the morning and with the exception of three Hooded Mergansers who stopped by briefly to dive for fish they were the only things I saw “on” the water today.

Above the pond was a different storythough. In addition to the usual crows and small songbirds it was pretty busy up in the air.
Hawks are not what I would call a common site at the pond but there were at least three different ones that soared by today all shadowed by one or two gliding Turkey Vultures.
They didn’t stay long though since their presence did not seem appreciated by the local Crow populations who quickly chased them out of the area.

I have never seen more than one of the extremely shy Green Heron at the pond at one time before. There must have been a battle for nesting territory going on today though. There were four of them calling loudly and chasing each other from tree to tree around the pond. They were so distracted with each other that they weren’t even bothered by my moving around to try to get their picture. They are a very pretty bird to watch fly and although they are normally quiet the calls they make when they are agitated are almost as loud as some eagle calls.

Signs that spring has completely arrived were everywhere. Budding leaves, moth’s, butterflies and the first hints of pink appearing on what will become blossoms on the ponds only apple tree can only mean that winter is indeed gone at last. I suppose I can no longer put off mowing the lawn.

At any rate if you can find a quiet place to get outside this holiday weekend by all means do so. Even if it’s only for an hour to sit and watch your bird feeders take a few minutes to make note of the many different birds and animals that have almost magically returned!

Until next time have a great one.


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