Monday, July 30, 2007

Huey, Louie and Dewey

I spent many, many hours this spring waiting for the waterfowl that frequent the pond to show up with their young. Even though a pair of visiting geese had their goslings with them for a couple of days I was truly disappointed that none of the ducks that used the pond during their mating season had returned with ducklings.

None until yesterday that is. I don't know how old the are or how long they have been here but there are, for the time being, baby ducks on the pond.

I first saw them after a Mallard hen came in for a landing. She disappeared into the overhanging branches about three quarters of the way across the pond and the three ducklings appeared almost immediately. Just barely visible they began scurrying around the far end of the pond searching for food.

After watching them for almost four hours they finally made their way along the edge of the pond and came fairly close to my blind. Mother, however, seemed to know that I was there and when they got to close she steered them away with a quiet chattering call.

During my first visit to the pond this week everything seemed to be on edge. I don't know if it was the weather or if something had happened before I arrived but everyone appeared very nervous.

My friend the Bald Eagle made several appearances. He didn't stay more than a minute or two at any one time though. Oddly the ravens were also absent. They are normally around harassing the eagle regardless of what else is going on.

The Green Heron appeared just before I left and even it was on edge. It landed in the spot it usually does when it begins to hunt but it immediately ran up onto the bank. It made two or three short flights through the trees within the span of about a minute before crossing the pond and landing high in a tall tree off to my right.

He stayed there for about fifteen seconds before flying away and I took advantage of the lack of activity to make my exit.

Regardless of the tension around the pond on my first visit the surprising appearance of the ducklings made the week on the Fish Pond a good one.

Get outside and find your own surprises! They are all around you if you just take a look!

Have a great one.


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